Best UGC NET Economics Coaching in Chandigarh: UGC NET
economics is considered as one of the most important exams organize by UGC NET huge number of applicants apply for it every year and try their best to crack the entrance exam with their dedication and hard work. Exam for UGC NET economics is mentioned as one of the most known exams among the youngsters and that’s why youngsters want the best guidance and coaching to clear or crack the entrance exam of UGC NET economics. They trying and willing their best to crack the exam and we are here to help them. Mentors Academy the most selected by all the youngsters for every type of entrance exam. We are providing great facilities for the students and showing them a good path by which they can reach their dreams.
UGC NET Economics Coaching in Chandigarh
Mentors Academy providing you some important tips regarding UGC NET economics exam:-

Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates who have secured at least 55% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s Degree OR equivalent examination from universities/institutions recognised by UGC (list attached page No. 22 to 48) in Humanities (including languages) and Social Science, Computer Science u0026amp;Applications, Electronic Science etc. (list of subjects of post-graduation attached at page No. 18 to 19) are eligible for this Test. The Other Backward Classes(OBC) belonging to non-creamy layer/Scheduled Caste(SC)/Scheduled Tribe(ST)/ persons with disability(PWD) category candidates who have secured at least50% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s degree or equivalent examination are eligible for this Test.
- Candidates who have appeared OR will be appearing at the qualifying Master’s degree (final year) examination and whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying examinations have been delayed may also apply for this test. However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible for award of Junior Research Fellowship/eligibility for Assistant professor only after they have passed their Master’s Degree examination or equivalent with at least 55% marks(50% marks in case of OBC(Non- creamy layer)/SC/ST/PWD(persons with disability) category candidates. Such candidates must complete their P.G degree examination within two years from the date of NET result with required percentage of marks, failing which they shall be treated as disqualified.
- The Ph.D. degree holders whose Master’s level examination had been completed by 19th September 1991(irrespective of the date of declaration of result) shall be eligible for a relaxation of 5% in aggregate marks (i.e. from 55% to 50%) for appearing in NET.
- Candidates are advised to appear in the subject of their post-graduation only. The candidates, whose post-graduation subject is not covered in the list of subjects in item No.14 (on page 12-13), may appear in a related subject.
- Candidates are neither required to send any certificates/documents in support of their eligibility nor printout of their Application Form (Confirmation Page) to However the candidates, in their own interest, must satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the Test. In the event of any ineligibility being detected by the UGC/CBSE at any stage, their candidature will be canceled and they shall be liable for legal action.
- Candidates having post-graduate diploma/certificate awarded by Indian University/ Institute or foreign degree/diploma/certificate awarded by the foreign University/Institute should in their own interest, ascertain the equivalence of their diploma/degree/certificate with Master’s degree of recognized Indian universities from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi.
- i) Junior Research Fellowship: Not more than 28 years as on 01.11.2018. A relaxation up to 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to OBC (Non- creamy layer, as per the Central list of OBC available on the website: ) SC/ST/PWD categories and to women applicants. Relaxation will also be provided to the candidates having research experience, limited to the period spent on research in the relevant/related subject of post-graduation degree, subject to a maximum of 5 years, on the production of a certificate from appropriate authority. Three years relaxation in age will be permissible to the candidates possessing L.L.M. Degree. Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.
- ii) Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit for applying for eligibility for Assistant Professor.
UGC NET Economics Coaching in Chandigarh
UGC NET November Economics Syllabus 2018
Subject : Economics / Rural Economics / Co – operation / Demography / Development Planning / Development Studies / Econometric / Applied Economics / Development Eco. / Business Economics.
UGC NET Paper – II Syllabus
Micro – Economic Analysis
- Demand Analysis – Marshallian, Hicksian, and Revealed preference approach.
- Theory of Production and Costs.
- Pricing and output under different forms of market structure.
- Factor Pricing analysis.
- Elements of general equilibrium and new welfare economics.
Macro – Economic Analysis
- Determination of output and employment – Classical approach, Keynesian approach, Consumption hypotheses.
- Demand for Money – Fisher and Cambridge versions, Approaches of Keynesian, Friedman, Patinkin, Baumol and Tobin.
- Supply of Money, Determinants of the money supply, High – powered money, Money Multiplier.
- Phillips Curve analysis.
- Business cycles – Models of Samuelson, Hicks, and Kaldor.
- Macroeconomic Equilibrium – Relative roles of monetary and fiscal policies
Development and Planning
- Economic Growth, Economic Development, and Sustainable Development – Importance of institutions – Government and markets – Perpetuation of underdevelopment – Vicious circle of poverty, circular causation, structural view of underdevelopment – Measurement of development conventional, HDI and quality of life indices.
- Theories of Development – Classical, Marx and Schumpeter; Economic Growth – Harrod – Domar model, instability of equilibrium, Neoclassical growth – Solow’s model, steady-state growth. Approaches to development: Balanced growth, critical minimum effort, big push, unlimited supply of labor, unbalanced growth, low-income equilibrium trap.
- Indicators and measurement of poverty.
- Importance of agriculture and industry in economic development – choice of techniques and appropriate technology – Investment criteria – Elementary idea of cost-benefit analysis.
- Trade and Aid – International trade as ‘engine of growth’ – Globalization and LDC’s Objectives and role of monetary and fiscal policies in economic development Techniques of planning; Plan Models in India; planning in a market-oriented economy.
Public Finance
- Role of the Government in Economic activity – Allocation, distribution and stabilization functions; Private, Public and Merit goods.
- The Public Budgets – Kinds of Budgets, Zero-base budgeting, different concepts of budget deficits; Budgets of the Union Government in India Public Expenditure – Hypotheses; effects and evaluation.
- Public Revenue – Different approaches to the division of tax burden, incidence and effects of taxation; elasticity and buoyancy; taxable capacity Public Debt – Sources, effects, burden and its management.
- Fiscal Federalism – Theory, and problems; Problems of Centre-State Financial relations in India.
- Fiscal Policy – Neutral and compensatory and functional finance; balanced budget multiplier.
International Economics
- Theories of International Trade: Empirical verification and Relevance International Trade under Imperfect competition Terms of Trade and Economic Growth – Secular Deterioration in Terms of Trade Hypothesis – a critical review.
- Equilibrium/disequilibrium in Balance of Payment – Traditional, Absorption and Monetary approaches for adjustment in the Balance of Payments, Foreign Trade multiplier.
- Impact of Tariffs, Partial and general equilibrium analysis; Political economy of Non-Tariff Barriers.
- Theory of regionalism at Global level – Collapse of Bretton – Wood System – Recent.
- Monetary reforms.
- Trade Policy and Reforms in India.
Indian Economy
- Basic Economic indicators – National income, performance of different sectors Trends in prices and money supply.
- Agriculture – Institutional and technological aspects, the new agricultural policy Industry – New industrial policy and liberalization.
- Money and banking – Concepts of the money supply, inflation, monetary policy and financial sector reforms.
- Public finance – Trends in revenue and expenditures of the Central and State Governments, Public debt; analysis of the Union Budget.
- Foreign trade – Trends, Balance of payments and trade reforms.
- Poverty, unemployment, migration, and the environment.
Statistical Methods
- Measures of Central tendency, dispersion, skewness, and kurtosis.
- Elementary theory of probability – Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
- Simple correlation and regression analysis.
- Statistical inferences – Applications, sampling distributions (t, x2 and F tests ) sampling of attributes, testing of Hypothesis.
- Index numbers and time series analysis.
- Sampling and census methods, types of sampling and errors.
We are here with our most eligible and experienced faculty members for entrance exams hoping to deliver you the best of us and make you feel satisfied with our work. Mentors Academy the number one coaching institute in Chandigarh making the career of many youngsters and trying to complete their dreams as we believe in creating happiness for others.
There are some Preparation Tips by Mentors Academy for UGC NET Economics Paper
- It is time to list up some important tips for How to prepare UGC NET Economics Section. These important tips will definitely help aspirants in achieving their desired goal.
- Go through the Exam pattern thoroughly. It’s important to answer all the questions in total that you can solve rather than answering more as the only first attempted questions will be evaluated regardless of the correctness of the later ones.
- Prepare a study schedule including as many varied topics as you can and study accordingly. Follow a methodical pattern of studying for maximum benefits.
- Study the basic fundamentals of Economics from various reference books that have been listed above.
- Practice as many sample papers/previous year papers as you can to gain speed and accuracy. Analyse sample paper/previous paper soon after completing it to identify and improve your weak areas.
- Give mock tests as this will help you to understand the pattern of question asked.
- Do not forget to revise whatever you learn at the end of the week.
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