MENTORS ACADEMY offers top-notch CAT coaching in Chandigarh and other MBA entrance exams. It is a unique academy for your preparation for entry to the best B schools. The MENTORS ACADEMY course offers support the preparation for the written exam as well as the preparation for the following stages of group discussions, personal interviews and group and written aptitude test (WAT / essay). The MENTORS ACADEMY coaching program for CAT is tailor-made to prepare for the CAT as well as other entrance exams like XAT, MAT, SNAP, NMAT, IIFT, etc. In states where there are state-specific CETs, MENTORS ACADEMY offers separate courses for students who want to prepare for CET only
Classroom program for CAT coaching in Chandigarh
The classroom program for CAT aspirants is the preferred choice of thousands of students each year. This program is specially designed to take you from basic concepts to advanced CAT level problems, focusing side-by-side on each area of preparation, including written test, GWPI preparation, and OMET. The following section takes you through the methodology step by step.
MENTORS ACADEMY training methodology
Concept training: This helps you develop basic knowledge and skills in various areas tested in CAT tests and other MBA entrance tests. Fundamental concepts are taught in detail. Apart from the regular chalk and blackboard instruction, each session is supplemented by a discussion of handouts and booklets. This gives students better exposure on a variety of issues and helps them develop conceptual clarity at the grassroots level. Special support is also given to non-mathematics students to help them improve their quantitative skills.
CAT Coaching Institute in Chandigarh
Doubt sessions and seminars: The students of the class can regularly attend the doubting sessions organized by the MENTORS ACADEMY. Students can raise their doubts during these sessions. If a student is weak in certain subjects, faculty also help them understand the concept in more detail for clarity.
Apart from that, sessions like counseling, strategies and test taking seminars etc. are also organized to help and motivate students.
Student page: this is an online repository of all section tests, mock tests. It is a personal study resource for students where they can give various exams and have detailed analysis on the same.
Tests by Section: This module helps you achieve speed in individual test areas and comes in an online practice test format. They contain over 7,000 questions in the areas of Verbal, Quantitative Ability Logical Reasoning and DI. A number of tests are posted regularly. The tests are classified as follows:
Basic tests (basic): they are based on the subject. Students who want to practice more on a particular topic can take these tests and get a detailed performance analysis after that.
Intermediate tests: these tests are designed by different multiple subjects from a larger common domain, e.g. topics like time and work, time and distance, percentages, etc. The arithmetic topics are combined to test the student’s understanding of this topic.
Intermediate tests: these tests are designed by different multiple subjects from a larger common domain, e.g. topics like time and work, time and distance, percentages, etc. The arithmetic topics are combined to test the student’s understanding of this topic.
Mock Tests: These types of tests are comprehensive tests where questions can come from any field. These are similar to real CAT tests with a time limit.
All India Level Exam – 25 nos: The AILCAT is the most popular CAT mock exam series across the country. The average number of test takers during peak season can reach 90,000, which gives students a good idea to compare their performance to others in the country.
Training for other MBA exams: Our CAT course also helps you prepare for various other management entrance tests such as XAT, NMAT, SNAP, IIFT, MAT conducted by various B schools across the country. The institute-specific courses and other tests (OMET – Other Management Entrance Tests) also help you to excel in these exams.
Special workshops / sessions on specific topics like decision making, higher mathematics etc. which are part of some OMETs are also organized to help students.
Testing, GD and Interview Training: This is provided in two modules, to help you prepare for the final step of the selection process.
CAT Coaching in Chandigarh
CAT (Common Aptitude Test) is a fully India-centric exam conducted by the Indian Institute of Administration and Mentors Academy as the best CAT Coaching Institute in Chandigarh and serves as a screening test to ensure the affirmation of the IIM, a leading organization for MBA or other cream foundations and first-class business schools. This is a PC-based exam that assesses your knowledge in different areas such as quantitative ability, verbal ability, legitimate thinking, and translating information. The CAT exam will take place in November of the year 2021.
We are giving you some of the 2021-2020 CAT Vital Notices that will help you plan your exam.
Qualification Standards for CAT
CAT applicants are encouraged to verify that each of the approved criteria is met before continuing to enlist. Hopes must have a degree in any test.
Competitors must have processed at least half of the checks or an equal CGPA (45% for registered and distinctly capable rankings).
Competitors who focus on the final year of graduation are also qualified for the CAT, but they must qualify in the same way with given qualification criteria. CAT Coaching in Chandigarh
Here is the eligibility for CAT 2021:
There will be no age restriction for taking the CAT 2021 exam.
Qualifying examination: candidates must hold a license or equivalent diploma.
Minimum marks: pass the previous exam with at least 50% of the marks or equivalent CGPA (45% of the marks for the SC / ST / PWD categories).
Candidates presenting themselves in the last year of the license / equivalent diploma can also apply for the CAT exam.
Applicants, those who have an equivalent examination recognized by MHRD, Government of India (including AMICE of Institution of Civil Engineers (India) as equivalent qualification) can also apply.
CAT Coaching in Chandigarh
Enrollment Process: The enrollment process will start for the CAT in August and the candidate will only be able to apply through the online mode on the official website i.e. www.iimcat.ac for disclaimers. Enrollment will continue through the rest of September. CAT Coaching in Chandigarh Competitors must complete the required POIs in the CAT app and select the three urban test communities. Competitors will receive one of their preferred approaches after the last registration date. The recognition card will be uploaded to the official website and candidates will be able to get their recognition card from October until the date of the exam. Mentors Academy
CAT Exam Center 2021
CAT 2021 will take place at 140 examination centers across the country.
Participants will be allowed to choose four cities for the online entrance test as their preferred exam center.
They should exercise their choices in the application form as they see fit.
The governing authority will assign a center to individuals, and the location of the center will be mentioned in the admission card.
CAT Institute in Chandigarh
The entry fee is Rs. 1600 / for general classification and NC / OBC competitors. CAT Institute in Chandigarh. Learn more about CAT
The application fee is Rs.800 / for SC / ST / Person with disability
CAT admission process:
The confirmation is correct in view of the CAT score that the individual acquires and the collection dialogue, the compound ability test and the individual meeting. By briefly displaying and positioning candidates, the organization can verify the academic basis, working basis, scholarly execution and other related inputs of the competitor’s CAT examination model.
Better preparation for CAT exam in Chandigarh
The duration of the CAT exam has been reduced from 170 minutes to 180 minutes. Already it included 2 segments – Quantitative Ability and Verbal and Written Comprehension From this year the CAT will be held in a completely new form. The number of surveys has also been changed in a nifty way like:
The detailed CAT 2021 program is presented below: